Open Access BASE2017

IFM – scientific centre of the development of the Ukrainian metallurgical industry ; ИЧМ – научный центр развития металлургической промышленности Украины ; ІЧМ – науковий центр розвитку металургійної промисловості України


The history of creation and development of the Institute of ferrous metallurgy of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences named after Z. I. Nekrasov is regarded in the article. IFM has become the scientific center of the development of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine. Researches of the outstanding scientists show their significant contribution in the development of the metallurgical science and implementation of their achievements in the production of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine.Analysis of publications. History of the Institute of the ferrous metallurgy is regarded in the fundamental works devoted to the development of the metallurgical industry in Ukraine and in the works published to the jubilee dates of the prominent scientists academicians Z. I. Nekrasov, V. I. Bol'shakov and others.The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of the creation of the Institute and the stages of its development in the 20th and 21st centuries and to define the influence of the economic and political situation in the country upon this process? To regard the role of the outstanding scientists and influence of their achievements on the development of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine. The history of IFM began in 1939 when it was organized in Kharkiv as a part of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic war the Institute was moved to Ufa – the capital of Bashkiria. During the war the scientists of the Institute tried to increase the output of metal and special steels for the defence industry. In 1943 the Institute moved to Moscow and then to Kiev. In 1952 it was decided to move the Institute to Dnepropetrovsk. In order to combine the scientific researches and production of metal. Z. I. Nekrasov was elected Director of the Institute. The departments of the Indtitute were headed by academicians Z. I. Nekrasov, A. P. Chekmariov, K. F. Starodubov, Correspondence Members of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences K. P. Bunin, S. N. Kozhevnikov. Professor N. O. Voronova.Conclusion. In ...

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