Open Access BASE2020



Розглянуто феномен гібридної війни як одного з типів війн четвертого покоління та визначено його головні ознаки. Висвітлені підходи вітчизняних і зарубіжних, зокрема, американських і російських, політологів до цієї проблеми. Розглянуто п'ять ключових характеристик гібридних воєн, зокрема, ту, яка визначає сутністю гібридної війни ідентоцид, тобто знищення національно-державної громадянської ідентичності країнисуперника. Доведено, що головними складовими гібридного протистояння є економічна, інформаційна і військова. ; The urgency of the study is determined by a number of foreign policy factors, the main of which is the dangerous spread of hybrid conflicts and the need for Ukraine to develop an effective strategy to counter such threats, given the unprecedented act of the Russian Federation's hybrid aggression. The purpose of the current research is to clarify the essence and core features of the hybrid warfare as one of the fourth generation war types and to determine its primary components. It is noted that the traditional war as a military clash of two states or blocs with defined political goals has already gone past. Among the various approaches to the characterization of military conflicts, the author refers, in particular, to the theory of generations of wars, which notes that modern wars belong to the third generation and are nonlinear, which combine maneuver, tactical and operational skills in the use of military instruments to achieve purposes. The author believes that modern technologies could qualitatively change the forms and methods of warfare. Thus, the concept of the fourth generation wars bring together a number of more applied approaches, in particular, the theories of the network-centric and the hybrid warfares. The term hybrid warfare has appeared in the U.S. military environment, specifically in the Marine Corps. In the literature, its appearance could be traced back to 1998, when Volcker has defined it as a crossing of the usual war with special operations. The study examines five key characteristics of hybrid warfare, in particular, the one that defines the essence of the hybrid conflict as an identocide, which is the destruction of the national-state civic identity of a rival. The author concludes that a hybrid warfare involves the use of a comprehensive variety of military actions, resources and programs designed to maximize the use of economic and political influence for reforming governments, movements or political trends in social and economically unstable conditions. The substantial components of the hybrid confrontation are economic, information and military ones. Although the military factor is still significant, the author believe that the information war is the basis for the further hybrid fights.


Ukrainisch, Englisch


Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили

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