Open Access BASE2022

Dynamics of political crises: managerial and technological dimension ; Динаміка політичних криз: управлінсько-технологічний вимір


The aim of the study is to reveal the managerial and technological content of the dynamic aspect of political crises in a democratic process. The study is based on the application of postulates of systemic and synegretic approaches. Procedural and dynamic features of political crisis management in the conditions of democratic political systems are revealed. The stages of crisis development in the context of democratic political system development are singled out: 1) prodromal, when in the depths of political stability the preconditions of the future crisis mature; 2) manifest, when there is a rapid exacerbation of all contradictions, deterioration of social dynamics, intensification of major crisis processes that occurred at the previous stage in sleep, the accumulation of destructive forces, disrupted the normal functioning of social (political) institutions, deinstitutionalization process, etc.; 3) culminating, when there is a decline in the development of the political system, dysfunctional processes reach peak values, there is a stratification of the population by type of political activity; 4) reorganization, when there are opportunities to overcome the crisis, there is a mitigation of crisis processes. It is proved that at each stage a peculiar type of political situation is formed: at the prodromal stage a pre-crisis political situation is formed, which is characterized by cessation of growth of welfare, emergence of crisis elements and preconditions in various spheres of public life; at the manifest stage a crisis situation is formed, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of welfare of the population, increasing dysfunction of social institutions; at the culminating stage, the crisis situation is transformed into a stabilized crisis situation, which is characterized by the cessation of declining welfare, there are tendencies to recover in various spheres of public life; at the rehabilitation stage, a post-crisis situation is emerging, against the background of which strategies for overcoming ...

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