Open Access BASE2019

Ekstemporaliosios vaistų gamybos vaistinėse Lietuvoje ir ES šalyse lyginamoji analizė. ; Comperative analysis of extemporaneous compounding in pharmacies in Lithuania and EU countries


Aim: To analyze and evaluate the regulation of extemporaneous compounding in pharmacies in Lithuania and EU countries. Objectives: 1. To evaluate regulation of extremporaneous compounding in the Republic of Lithuania and other EU countries. 2. To compare the most common pharmaceutical formulations of extremporaneously compounded medicine in the Republic of Lithuania and other EU countries. 3. To study the prescriptions of extremporaneous medicine compounded in public pharmacies in Klaipėda by forms and purpose (eg. solutions, ointments, for children, for adults). 4. Identify the professional experience of doctors who have prescribed prescriptions for extemporaneous medicine. Methods: The research of science researches, publications, articles and regulatory acts related to the topic of the Master's Thesis are reviewed and described. The method of content analysis of documents was chosen and applied for the study. The form of document analysis was prepared, according to which the content of the prescriptions of extremporaneous medicine was prepared from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2017 was analyzed. Pharmaceutical formulations, the purpose of the medicine, the work experience of prescribing doctors was studied in these prescriptions. An analysis of the data received was performed using MS Excel 2013. Results: After analyzing the prescriptions of extemporaneously compounded medicine it has been noticed that the most common of the pharmaceutical forms in public pharmacies in Klaipėda are liquid (80%) - mostly ethanol solutions, suspension for skin care. Also, there was a lot of soft pharmaceutical forms (14%), the most popular is ointments. Conclusions: 1. The European Union has accepted a directive setting out general requirements for the extemporaneous compounding. However, such unified regulation is not sufficient so every EU country enacts its own regulatory enactments to regulate extremporaneous compounding. 2. Scientific articles showed that in EU countries such as Denmark, England, Ireland the most popular are liquid pharmaceutical forms, while, powder is mostly extemporaneously compounded in Finland, Italy. One of the most popular extemporanoeuosly compounded are dermatological medical products in Germany and Lithuania. 3. After analyzing the extremporaneously compounded medicine in Klaipėda, it turned out that the most popular preparations for adults are liquid pharmaceutical forms. Mostly it is various ethanol solutions (75%) for compresses and skin care. It is also popular for adults to compound semi-solid pharmaceutical forms that mainly produce dermatological ointments (58%). The most popular for children is to extemporaneously compound antibiotics and vitamins and minerals powder (78%). 4. After analyzing the work experience of Klaipeda doctors who prescribe extemporaneous medicine, it turned out that mostly these products are prescribed by doctors who have been working for more than 11 years.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

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