Open Access BASE2013

Krikščionių demokratų požiūris į lenkų tautinės mažumos padėtį Lietuvoje XX a. 4 dešimtmetyje ; The Christian democratic party's view on the situat ion of the Polish minority in Lithuania in 1930s


Lithuanian Christian democrats had a very clear understanding of the situation of Polish national minority in Lithuanian in 1930s. First of all we must mention the main problems that had made the context for publications. The first one was elections to municipal councils and parliament. Despite negative ideological evaluation of Polish minority (the attitude toward Polish minority was based on primordial conception), their political rights were emphasized as very important for democracy in Lithuania. The second problem was the ultimatum of Poland to Lithuania. In this context national minority was shown as a hostage of politicians. This means that such critical situation has not made negative influence on the image of Polish minority. The last but not the least problem was the return of Vilnius region to Lithuania. Christian democrats gave us a strange conception that they have evaluated situations as the final salvation of the problems between Poles and Lithuanians. Keeping in mind the fact of occupation of Poland, such statement was very strange.

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