Open Access BASE2017

A new age of global security: The "Ukrainian question" and "Kosovo precedent"


The research topic of this article is the "Ukrainian Question" in perspective of "Kosovo precedent" within the framework of international law, current stream of international relations, contemporary world politics and global security. The aim of the article is to investigate the possible solutions for the current Ukrainian political crisis through the prism of "Kosovo precedent" and global security perspectives. The article consists of nine sections dealing with the Ukrainian identity, historical ackground of the Ukrainian statehood, the 2014 Euromaidan coup d'étatand the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, "Kosovo precedent" and the "Ukrainian Question", the possible political solution of the current Ukrainian crisis founded on the example of "Kosovo precedent", a global geopolitical context of the "Ukrainian Question" and "Kosovo precedent", the geopolitical convergence between the US and Russia as a geostrategic background of the "Ukrainian Question", Russian geopolitical and national interest in Ukraine, and finally conclusions of the investigation. The fundamental conclusion of the research is that "Kosovo precedent" has already served and will further serve in the near future as the foundation for territorial decomposition of Ukraine by neighbouring Russia , opening the doors for a new age of global security and international relations.

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