Open Access BASE2019

Land of Plenty, Land of Misery: Synergetic Resource Grabbing in Mozambique

In: Land ; Volume 8 ; Issue 8


Global climate change policy enforcement has become the new driving force of resource grabbing in the context of the &ldquo ; scramble of resources&rdquo ; in Africa. Nevertheless, the environmental crisis should not be seen as an isolated phenomenon amid contemporary capitalism. On the contrary, a very distinct feature of the current wave of land grabs is the convergence of multiple crises, including food, energy/fuel, environmental, and financial. The Southern Mozambique District, Massingir, is an area with high potential regarding water sources and biodiversity. It recently became a host of a biofuel project, and also a huge block of land is being transformed into a conservation/tourism area ; answering to many issues within capitalism&rsquo ; s crisis, this area is an evidence of how synergetic resource grabbing can arise as a response to the convergence of multiple crises. Therefore, by analyzing the emerging politics of natural resources in Massingir District and the dynamics regarding the land-use change, changes in property relations, it is possible to understand how rural livelihoods are shaped. Risks related to food security and sovereignty, loss of control and access to resources, consistent narrowing down of the set of livelihood strategies, and inter-community conflicts over scarce resources are the main implications of such emerging climate-smart land politics.




Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute



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