Open Access BASE2020



The article is devoted to considering the main rhetorical characteristics of the speech portrait of the participants of political-administrative network discourse, the texts analyzed include executive power representatives' tweets. Analyzing the peculiarities of their rhetoric, the author reveals the main features and defines the important characteristics of the speech portrait of the rhetor of network political-administrative communication, allowing them to effectively implement such important rhetorical functions as the audience impact and persuasion. The author determines the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of language and style of political and administrative communication in connection with politicization and mediatization of the information space and access of political and administrative activities to the public sphere. Analyzing the speech of representatives of the political administration the authors consider the manner of verbal generation of thought, connected, on the one hand, with clear pragmatic communicative intentions, and on the other hand, with conventional conditionality of online communication. The main properties of this style are identified, i.e. conciseness, brevity of form and conciseness of content, aimed at encouraging the Internet audience to response in more or less active forms. An essentially important opportunity for an official representative of administration of the highest level is revealed, that is to stay in the area of public accessibility as this allows them to be not only a representative of a government, but at the same time a representative of an audience, demonstrating the commonality of an ideological platform. The guiding principle of the rhetoric of political-administrative network media discourse is considered the law of harmonizing the dialogue, and the main categories of rhetorical effects are considered to be persuasion and dialogism. The main features of the speech portrait of the leading actor, the initiator of the communicative situation of political-administrative network media discourse, are identified, i.e. publicisticity, formality and conversationality, as well as credibility, exaplainability and expressivity, pathos, evaluativity, a combination of publicisticity, formality and conversationality, and a considerable amount of rhetorical figures of speech.

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