Open Access BASE2021

КЛИШЕ, НЕУДАЧИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ «НОВОЙ АРХИТЕКТУРЫ. Clichè, neudachi i perspectivy "Novoj arkhitektury - Cliché, inadempienze e prospettive della "Nuova architettura")


What do we mean within the term "new architecture" and its philosophy? Which are the problems the "new architecture" is asked to give answers? The text proposes a philological reconstruction of the paths at the origin and development of the contemporary "new architecture" in the "avant-gardes" of second half of the XX c. There are illustrated its results in modelling the cores and infrastructural nodes of urban landscapes characterizing the global cities; these are produced by common clichés that make any city similar like the others. By considering the political and financial system that creates these "homologated" urban landscapes – that marginalize the role of local dimensions, both political and social – the weaknesses of "new architecture" can be understood. The "hope" for a renovation of a "new architecture" that will avoid the "homologation" of human settlement lays in the possibilities offered in the territories located at the periphery of global city economy: the "countryside of the world". The question is: "Shall we search for a new form of "de-urbanism"?

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