Open Access BASE2019

Towards a Sustainable and Open Science : Recommendations for Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation in the Biosciences at the University of Bremen


Starbios2 is a four-year project (2016-2020) within the European Commission s Science with and for Society Programme, focusing on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The project is generously funded by the European Union under the HORIZON 2020 Programme. Nine research institutions from European countries and three international partners are involved in the project coordinated by the Universita degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata in Italy. The goal of the project is to support research institutions in the implementation of RRI. The booklet Towards a Sustainable and Open Science - Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation in the Biosciences at the University of Bremen summarizes 35 recommendations developed for the implementation of the RRI issues societal engagement, gender, ethics, open access and education. It is primarily directed at researchers and students of the Biosciences at the University of Bremen. It is also intended to encourage other research institutions to engage with RRI in practice. ; Bremen




Universität Bremen; FB2 Biologie/Chemie; Institut für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften - Biologiedidaktik

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