Open Access BASE2021

Is the East Asia Summit Suffering Erosion? ; ISEAS Perspective ; Issue 2021 No. 61


All inter-state organisations are shaped and challenged by the changing engagement of their major stakeholders, the difficulties associated with consensus-based reform and consolidation, the inevitable gap between expectations and feasible delivery, and the evolving strategic environment within which they exist. Where ASEAN is concerned, the mutually reinforcing effects of such challenges will test the East Asia Summit (EAS) and threaten its peak position in the ASEAN-led regional architecture in the coming years. How ASEAN member states and ASEAN itself respond will help determine the EAS' future status.


Comprehensive Development FrameworkDevelopment ChallengesDevelopment PlanningSustainable Development GoalsPolicy DevelopmentProgram EvaluationPerformance EvaluationEvaluation Criteria




ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute

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