Open Access BASE2014

South America: years 1998-2013. The turn to the left, a decade won ; Amérique du Sud : années 1998-2013. Le virage à gauche, une décennie gagnée


During the fifteen years discussed here — 1998-2013 — all the countries of South America, except Colombia and Peru, have democratically established themselves through the ballot boxes of left-wing governments. This turn to the left began in 1998 with the election of Hugo Chavez by universal suffrage as President of the Republic of Venezuela. Such an impressive tidal tress raises questions about its causes but also about the distinction that is usually made on the two left: one referred to as moderate, comprising Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and the other considered to be revolutionary, including Hugo Chavez, Bolivia of Evo Morales and Equateur de Rafael Correa. Research has different objectives: understanding the origins of the turn on the left, drawing up the balance sheet after 15 years of power, defining political, economic and social achievements. Cristina Kirchner estimated the 2000s in Argentina as a gained decade. This judgment could be extended to most countries in the region. The debt problem has been resolved to the advantage of certain countries such as Argentina and Ecuador. Growth has returned throughout the subcontinent. Poverty has fallen to a very large extent, even though it is far from being eliminated. Unemployment has also decreased. The middle classes have grown. The neo-liberal model behind South American illnesses in the previous period was fought. That said, nothing is played definitively. In most countries, the right retains a resounding power. ; Au cours des quinze années ici abordées -1998-2013- tous les pays de l'Amérique du Sud, à l'exception de la Colombie et du Pérou, se sont dotés démocratiquement par les urnes de gouvernements de gauche. Ce virage a gauche a débuté en 1998 par l'élection d'Hugo Chavez au suffrage universel à la présidence de la république du Venezuela. Un raz de marée aussi impressionnant conduit à s'interroger sur ses causes mais aussi sur la distinction que l'on opère habituellement sur les deux gauche : l'une qualifiée de modérée qui regroupe le Brésil, ...

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