Open Access BASE2021

How to think about the overhaul of the peace agreements in the SSB and in Somalia? ; Comment penser la refonte des accords de paix dans la BSS et en Somalie ?


International audience Since the fall of the Siad Barre regime in 1991, the Somali state has disappeared and given way to a long-lasting civil war that has allowed the rise of jihadist groups. The transition process started in 2004 officially ended in 2012 with the establishment of the Federal Government of Somalia. However, the foundations of reconstruction and reconciliation were not laid by this government resulting from a contested electoral process and which failed to put in place the administrations essential to the functioning of the State beyond the capital. This had the effect of prolonging conflict between the clans and allowed al-Shabaab to gain prominence. The election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed in 2017 did not accelerate the overhaul of political institutions, still governed by a provisional constitution. Following these elections, al-Shabaab carried out several attacks against government and public service targets with the aim of destabilizing and discrediting the government. In addition, civil unrest regularly agitates the country, leading to often violent protests, and the food crisis and military operations have led to the displacement of thousands of people, which allows criminal gangs to flourish. ; Depuis la chute du régime de Siad Barre en 1991, l'Etat somalien a disparu et laissé place à une guerre civile de longue durée ayant permis la montée de groupes djihadistes. Le processus de transition entamé en 2004 se termine officiellement en 2012 avec l'instauration du Gouvernement Fédéral de Somalie. Seulement, les bases de la reconstruction et de la réconciliation n'ont pas été posées par ce gouvernement issu d'un processus électoral contesté et qui n'a pas su remettre en place les administrations indispensables au fonctionnement de l'Etat au-delà de la capitale. Cela a eu pour effet de prolonger les conflits entre les clans et a permis à al-Shabaab de prendre de l'importance. L'élection du Président Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed en 2017 n'a pas accéléré la refonte des institutions ...

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