Open Access BASE2012

High-pressure optical and vibrational properties of CdGa2Se4: Order-disorder processes in adamantine compounds


135181 1351815 111 1 ; S Krämer, V., Siebert, D., & Febbraro, S. (1984). Structure refinement of cadmium gallium selenide CdGa2Se4. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 169(1-4), 283-287. doi:10.1524/zkri.1984.169.1-4.283 ; High-pressure optical absorption and Raman scattering measurements have been performed in defect chalcopyrite (DC) CdGa2Se4 up to 22 GPa during two pressure cycles to investigate the pressure-induced order-disorder phase transitions taking place in this ordered-vacancy compound. Our measurements reveal that on decreasing pressure from 22 GPa, the sample does not revert to the initial phase but likely to a disordered zinc blende (DZ) structure the direct bandgap and Raman-active modes of which have been measured during a second upstroke. Our measurements have been complemented with electronic structure and lattice dynamical ab initio calculations. Lattice dynamical calculations have helped us to discuss and assign the symmetries of the Raman modes of the DC phase. Additionally, our electronic band structure calculations have helped us in discussing the order-disorder effects taking place above 6¿8 GPa during the first upstroke. © 2012 American Institute of Physics This study was supported by the Spanish government MICINN under Grant No. MAT2010-21270-C04-01/03/04; by the Generalitat Valenciana (Project No. GV06/151), by MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 project (CSD2007-00045), by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion y Desarrollo of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV2012-1469), and by the Spanish MICINN under Project No. CTQ2009-14596-C02-01 and Comunidad de Madrid and the European Social Fund Grant No. S2009/PPQ-1551 4161893 (QUI-MAPRES). E.P-G., J.L-S., A. M., and P.R-H. acknowledge computing time provided by Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) and MALTA-Cluster. Gomis Hilario, O.; Vilaplana Cerda, RI.; Manjón Herrera, FJ.; Pérez-González, E.; López-Solano, J.; Rodríguez-Hernández, P.; Muñoz, A. (2012). High-pressure optical and vibrational properties of CdGa2Se4: Order-disorder ...

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