Open Access BASE2019

The activist, ideologist and researcher ; El activista, el ideólogo y el investigador


RESUMEN shows and analyses how certain perpetrators, advocates of abolitionist ideology about prostitution, produce, reproduce and use estimates of the number of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Those authors establish their estimates on the basis of a complete lack of scientifically verified data and the alteration of the sources they copy. In doing so, they act irresponsibly, suffer from a lack of intellectual honesty, commit professional misconduct and disrupt anti-trafficking policies and actions, which end up having negative consequences for prostituted persons. In addition, these authors, who pass through experts without actually being so, resort to censorship to avoid debate, criticism and have to respond to their claims: they fear that their impositions and the intellectual fraud they commit will become apparent. In order to unmask these pseudo-experts and reveal their fakes and wills, there is an urgent need to develop a research programme in which their speeches and actions are taken as study objects. An article originally published, such as 'Le militant, l'idéologue et le chercheur', in Le Débat magazine, No 172, 2012, pp. 120-130. We thank Jean-Michel Chaumont for his kind and disinterested authorisation to translate his text into Spanish and to publish it in Gazeta de Antropology. Translation, adaptation and summary (abstract) by José Luis Solana Ruiz, University of Jaén, Spain. ; RESUMEN Se muestra y analiza el modo como determinados autores, defensores de la ideología abolicionista sobre la prostitución, producen, reproducen y utilizan estimaciones sobre el número de víctimas de trata con fines de explotación sexual. Dichos autores establecen sus estimaciones a partir de una absoluta carencia de datos científicamente verificados y de la alteración de las fuentes que copian. De ese modo, actúan de manera irresponsable, adolecen de falta de honradez intelectual, cometen una falta profesional y desencaminan las políticas y acciones contra la trata, las cuales terminan teniendo ...

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