Open Access BASE2022

Morena, ethics and politics, party and movement on the road to victory in 2018 ; Morena, ética y política, partido y movimiento en el camino del triunfo de 2018


This paper sustains that two elements were important in the triumph of Morena in 2018 and its transformation in a ruling party. One of them was the linkage between ethic and polítics and the other one was the binding between party and movement. Both articulations were born from the criticism about the mainstrean politics and the traditional political parties. Therefore, there was an aspiration for a new form of doing polítics and a for a new class party. Turned in a ruling party, Contradictorily, Morena currently faces both challenges that were decisives in its arising. That happens because there is a coexistence between the militants that are inspired in the collective incentives and militants that mainly are seeking for the personal power. That is one of the dilemas that will face a party that is looking for an historic transformation of the country ; Este artículo pretende resaltar dos elementos que fueron importantes para que Morena se convirtiera en el partido gobernante en México a partir de 2018. Estos son la vinculación entre ética y política y la vinculación entre partido y movimiento. Las dos articulaciones mencionadas surgieron de una visión crítica de la política y de los partidos políticos, por tanto de la aspiración a construir una nueva manera de hacer política y una nueva clase de partido. Convertido en partido gobernante, Morena enfrenta actualmente de manera contradictoria estos dos desafíos que la hicieron surgir. Esto sucede porque coexisten en el partido la militancia que busca los incentivos colectivos con aquella otra que privilegia la búsqueda personal del poder


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad Multidisciplinaria Oriental

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