Open Access BASE2011

A transdisciplinary approach to complex and interconnected realities based on the general system theory ; Acercamiento transdisciplinario a las realidades complejas e interconectadas a partir de la teoria general de sistemas


The concept of system has great validity today, not only in the field of research but also and mainly in various areas and fields that define social, economic, political, technological and cultural behavior. Since 1968, Bertalanffy was aware of these issues to the extent that there were occupations and professions with such a name, eg: Information Systems, Complex Systems and Educational System, among others, which can generally be defined as a complex set of related elements with the common purpose to mobilize the convergence of knowledge and promote inter- and trans- disciplinary work. Immersed in these arguments, this article intends to show by a deep hermeneusis, theoretical arguments that emerge from the understanding of the General Systems Theory from their approaches, backgrounds, their theological, epistemic and ontological grounds as well as key issues about its history and its meaning in contemporary world, especially to transcend towards linking and interrelation of different areas of knowledge through the application of dialogue between sciences as a path to inter- and transdisciplinarity and the implications in the flow of multidimensional and heterogeneous configurations favoring network configurative frames. This reflection departs from such a perspective, and moves forward through a path founded in the sciences of complexity, first and second rank cybernetics, orchestral communication at Palo Alto Unified School, and the fundamentals of complex and auto-poietic thinking, all of which allows us perceive complex interconnected realities. ; El concepto de sistemas tiene gran vigencia en la actualidad, y no solo se utiliza en el ámbito de la investigación sino que también se destaca en diversas áreas y campos que definen el comportamiento social, económico, político, tecnológico y cultural. Desde finales de los sesenta este concepto había invadido los campos de la ciencia, el pensamiento, el habla popular y los medios de comunicación de masas, a tal punto que existen ocupaciones y profesiones con su ...

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