Open Access BASE2007

Campañas de sensibilización para la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar: una propuesta de investigación para la igualdad de género ; Awareness campaigns for work-family life conciliation: a research proposal for gender equality


From a gender perspective, protection and advertising political actions about work-family should promote sharing responsibilities between sexes. Next to political action and specific measures, the project of equal opportunities needs a long-term strategy based on the education on equality. This article proposes the methodologic exposition of a study based on these premises. It facilitates and explains the protocol used for the analysis of the audio-visual advertising campaigns on conciliation emitted by the Woman's Institute. The evaluation of the actions is focused on the effectiveness from the point of view of mass media. It provides some data that illustrates the proposed study. Finally, it considers the difficulties of the available sources of information. ; El artículo forma parte de dos investigaciones de mayor envergadura, subvencionadas por la Dirección General de la Seguridad Social y por el Instituto de la Mujer (FIPROS 2005-53 y 125/02).


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia; Observatorio Galego dos Medios

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