Open Access BASE2022

Verfassungsgesetzgebung als historisches Ereignis der Verkörperung von Vernunft. Zur Verbindung von Demokratie Und menschenrechten


Based on three open questions, which Habermas poses at the end of his two-volume book "Also a History of Philosophy", the national constitution-making of a people is reconstructed as an answer to the first question, following Julius Froebel. Already the elements of a public opinion formation answer the third question, in which the constitution- making can already establish the egalitarian universalism of the human rights, which then become constituted basic and human rights in the general will-making. However, the open questions and ambivalent solutions of the national constitutional formulations, such as the promotion of capitalist economy or political de-democratizations, make it clear that the answer to the second question in international human rights must remain open and require morally unbound efforts.

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