Open Access BASE2015


In: Maribor


Evropska unija je gospodarska in politična povezava 28. evropskih držav, ki svojim članicam omogoča ekonomsko sodelovanje, enotni trg in skupno institucionalno okolje. Nemčija je ena od ustanoviteljic te povezave, Slovenija spada med mlajše članice, Hrvaška pa se je Evropski uniji pridružila komaj leta 2013. Kljub nekaterim skupnim točkam pa obstaja med njimi mnogo razlik. Nemško gospodarstvo je razvitejše od slovenskega in hrvaškega, saj je bruto domači proizvod na prebivalca po pariteti kupne moči za leto 2012 v Nemčiji bil višji od evropskega povprečja za 23 %, v Sloveniji je bil za 18 % nižji od povprečja EU-28, hrvaški pa je zaostajal za evropskim povprečjem za kar 39 %. V tej raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, ali se omenjeni razvojni razkorak med Slovenijo in Nemčijo ter Hrvaško kaže skozi razmerja ravni cen storitev. V ta namen smo v tem delu primerjali cene 101 storitve med Slovenijo, Nemčijo in Hrvaško, ki smo jih razdelili v 10 skupin. Na podlagi izračunov smo prišli do naslednjih zaključkov: • Cene storitev so bile v Sloveniji v marcu in aprilu 2012 v povprečju za 30 % nižje kot v Nemčiji. Slovenski potrošnik je v povprečju za opazovano skupino storitev plačal le 70 % zneska, ki ga je plačal nemški potrošnik. • Primerjava cen storitev med Slovenijo in Hrvaško pokaže, da so bile v enakem opazovanem obdobju cene storitev v povprečju za 20 % višje kot na Hrvaškem. • Relativno najcenejša skupina storitev, ko primerjamo Slovenijo z Nemčijo, so obrtne storitve in popravila, relativno najdražja skupina storitev, ko primerjamo Slovenijo s Hrvaško, pa so komunalne storitve. • Obstaja večja stopnja podobnosti cen preučevanega vzorca storitev med Slovenijo in Hrvaško, kot pa med Slovenijo in Nemčijo. ; The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 European countries, which enables its members economic cooperation, single market and common institutional environment. Germany is one of the founders of the Union, Slovenia belongs to its younger members and Croatia joined to the European Union in the year 2013. Despite some common points, there are many differences among these member countries. German economy is more developed than Slovenian and Croatian, as the GDP per capita in PPS for the year 2012 in Germany was 23 % higher from the European average, in Slovenia it was 18 % lower than the average of the EU-28, and Croatia stayed behind the European average by 39 %. In this study, we wanted to determine whether the above mentioned development gap among Slovenia, Germany and Croatia shows through all levels of service prices. With this purpose this thesis compares the prices of 101 services in Slovenia, Germany and Croatia, which were divided into 10 groups. On the basis of calculations we came to the following conclusions: • In March and April 2012 in Slovenia the prices of services were 30 % lower on average than in Germany, thus the aggregate price level was 0.7. This means that the Slovenian consumer paid only 70 % of the amount for the same service as the German consumer did. • The comparison of prices between Slovenia and Croatia shows, that in the same observing period the prices in Slovenia were on average 20 % higher than in Croatia. • Comparing Slovenia and Germany the relatively cheapest group of services were the handcraft services and the services of repairs, the relatively most expensive group of services, when comparing Slovenia and Croatia are the utility services. • The level of price similarity of the observed groups of services is higher when comparing Slovenia and Croatia as in comparing Slovenia and Germany.

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