Open Access BASE2016

Old left and new left in the Ukrainian protests before Maidan ; OLD LEFT AND NEW LEFT IN THE UKRAINIAN PROTESTS BEFORE MAIDA


In the most definitions of terrorism, the key concept is «violence». The purpose of violence is to achieve the desired development for the terrorists: the change of power, the destabilization of society, the undermining of economic and information stability of both the states as a whole and individual segments in their economy in particular.The structural-functional approach to the study of terrorist organizations means their consideration as social groups consisting of the following components: political, financial-economic, integrative (discipli- nary), ideological. But for the study of modern terrorism the analytical tools of structural-functional approach is not enough. In particular, it is necessary to use the conflict paradigm that would allow considering the origin and development of terrorist organizations as a conflict of interests of the ruling classes, their activity as a catalyst for social change in countries which are donating terrorism and countries which are the object of aggression. Theory of background practices would be useful to uncover the motivation of terrorists, their awareness of everyday life, the degree of their involvement in the struggle and commitment to ideological patterns.The terrorist organizations now are specific territorial units and important technology in the hybrid war in the modern world. The hybrid war can be defined as a aggression of one state against another through non formal groups represented by the military (often by guerrilla warriors) and non-governmental organizations, local communities, communication with which is formally denied. The state, which leads the hybrid war is not positioning itself as a member of a military conflict, describing it as a civilian one. Events in Donbas were a ruled process of implementation of complex social technologies: the information war, the distortion of democratic procedures, the use of terrorism tactics, combat operations in populated areas etc. ; Стаття представляє систематичну оцінку основних тенденцій протестної активності українських лівих партій, організацій і неформальних ініціатив перед початком протестів Майдану наприкінці листопада 2013 р. Представлений аналіз помісячної динаміки, кількості учасників, тактики, темати- ки, географії та союзників в протестних подіях за участі лівих груп на всій території України з 1 січня 2011 р. по 20 листопада 2013 р.

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