Open Access BASE2016



State failure bears a significant destabilising potential for all levels of international security system. Rebuilding of the state is one of the primary priorities of the international community in the XXI century. Although considerable amount of research has been devoted to the study of different aspects of state failure as a political phenomenon and rebuilding of failed states, few attempts have been made to investigate the efficiency of failed states revival strategies.The article comprehensively analyses the strategy state-building in failed states and discusses peculiarities of state capacity rebuilding measures implementation in such actors. The author establishes key reasons for state-building programmes' low efficiency profile in failed states, namely their excessive universalism in approach to such states coupled with idealisation of the Western liberal democratic state model, and fragmented implementation. State-building in failed states is largely been pursued under the universalistic strategy of establishing institutions of the liberal-democratic model of the state, which often proves ineffective or counterproductive. The lack of consistency between short-term measures to maintain peace, medium-term process of peace consolidation, and long-term development programmes could also destabilise efforts to achieve sustainable peace and state capacity restoration.Effective strategies of failed states rebuilding should be based on a detailed analysis of the complex relationships in the state-society-regional / international system triad and be implemented with active engagement of relevant actors at the local, national and regional levels. Furthermore, targeted efforts to revive failed states have above all to recognise the loss of state capacity as an integrated into the global system phenomenon that is not limited to local manifestations. Hence state-building programmes in failed states should be accompanied by measures to strengthen the efficiency of the neighbouring states.The paper suggests it is worth acknowledging that (1) some approaches or modalities of state-building measures may be more effective in some contexts of state failure than others; (2) the international community needs a coordinated and consistent approach to the reconstruction of failed states; (3) lack of state capacity often calls for adaptive rather than technical solutions; and (4) priority should be given first to combating poverty and ensuring human security in failed states, which serve as essential stepping stones for other state-building endeavours. Designing and implementing unique and context sensitive state reconstruction strategy is a key policy recommendation for state-building in failed states. ; В статье комплексно проанализированы стратегии государственного строительства в государствах, которые потеряли дееспособность, и определены особенности реализации мер по восстановлению таких ак-теров. Автором установлено ключевые причины недостаточного уровня эффективности программ государ-ственного строительства в недееспособных государствах, в частности их чрезмерный универсализм с идеали-зацией западной либерально-демократической модели государства и фрагментарность имплементации ; У статті комплексно проаналізовано стратегію державобудівництва у державах, що втратили дієздатність, та визначено особливості реалізації заходів з відбудови таких акторів. Автором встановлено ключові причини недостатнього рівня ефектив-ності програм з державобудівництва у недієздатних державах, зокрема їх надмірний універсалізм з ідеалізацією західної ліберально-демократичної моделі держави і фраг-ментарність імплементації

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