Open Access BASE2010

Comparison of the Hospice Systems in the United States, Japan and Taiwan


Purpose The aim of hospice care is to provide the best possible quality of life both for people approaching the end of life and for their families and carers. The Korean government has been implementing a pilot project for hospital hospice services and trying to develop the national hospice system. To assist in the development of the Korean hospice system, the Korean government supported the present study comparing the hospice systems of three countries, United States, Japan, and Taiwan, which currently have a developed hospice system. Methods Data from three countries were collected in the following ways: reviewing hospice related literature, searching government documents on the Internet, collecting government hospice data, surveying six hospice institutions in each country, and conducting an international workshop. Results The hospice system was evaluated by comparing hospice management systems and hospice cost systems. The comparison of the hospice management system included five items of hospice infra structures and four items of hospice services. The hospice cost system included four items: funding source, hospital hospice cost, day care hospice cost, and home hospice cost. Conclusions Based on the comparison of three countries, the most interesting thing was that home hospice care accounted for more than 90% of all hospice services in the United States and Taiwan. The results of this study will aid the countries that are in the process of developing a hospice system including Korea, which has been implementing a pilot project only for hospital hospice services ; open

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