Open Access BASE2020

Organizational and legitimating rights and responsibilities of the Ukrainian people


The scientific article «organizational and legitimating rights and responsibilities of the Ukrainian people» is devoted to the study of general understanding of the categories «organization», «legitimation», as well as consideration of such types of organizational and legitimating rights and responsibilities of the Ukrainian people, or its part as: the right to participate in public affairs; the right to participate in national and local elections; the right to hold meetings, rallies, marches and demonstrations; the right to freedom of association in political parties and public associations; the right to send individual or collective written appeals or to personally address state authorities, local self-government bodies and officials of these bodies; the right of the working part to strike to protect their economic and social interests. In addition, the purpose of this research, according to its results, is to identify certain generalizations, definitions, conclusions, proposals and recommendations, aimed at: improving the organizational and legitimating rights and responsibilities of the Ukrainian people; for further elaboration of theoretical and practical problems concerning the rights and responsibilities of the Ukrainian people; for quality preparation, amendments and additions to regulations, namely the preparation of draft laws of Ukraine «On the status of the Ukrainian people», «On the all-Ukrainian referendum», «On local referendums» and many others; for teaching disciplines: «Constitutional law of Ukraine», «Constitutional law of foreign countries», as well as when writing textbooks, manuals, lecture courses, teaching materials

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