
Piața forței de muncă a raionului Cahul - evoluții generale (2014-2018)

In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere. Vol. XXXV Economie, S. 122-129


The study of the labour market trends of the evolution at local level has a great importance, because its optimal functioning is vital for ensuring the economic development and competitiveness. From this perspective the quantity and value of the available human resources and the efficiency of their use become essential for the sustainable economic development of the Cahul district. The main factors of influence on the workforce state during 2014-2018 were: the demographic processes, labour force migration and the influence of the
macroeconomic environment. In order to diminish the influence of the listed factors it is necessary: a) to create stable and attractive jobs with a professional growth perspective, b) to facilitate the employers' interaction with potential employees, c) to prevent unemployment among young people. With a constantly growing population, able to work and having various professional training possibilities, the Cahul district is constituted as a regional centre with high
potential of economic development.

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