
652464 Ergebnisse


Open Access#6507162016

"Us Versus Them!" … Or …? Exploring Coordination practices as a Pathway to Sustainable Universities

In: Elkjær , B & Nickelsen , N C M 2016 , ' "Us Versus Them!" … Or …? Exploring Coordination practices as a Pathway to Sustainable Universities ' , Creative University Conference (CUC), AAU , Aalborg , Denmark , 18/08/2016 - 19/08/2016 .


Open Access#6507172015

Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead

III, GWH; Lowe, L; Carpenter, DO; Gilbertson, M; Ali, AM; de Cerain Salsamendi, AL; Lasfar, A; Carnero, A; Azqueta, A; Amedei, A; Charles, AK; Collins, AR; Ward, A; Salzberg, AC; Colacci, A; Olsen, A-K; Berg, A; Barclay, BJ; Zhou, BP; Blanco-Aparicio, C; Baglole, CJ; Dong, C; Mondello, C; Hsu, C-W; Naus, CC; Yedjou, C; Curran, CS; Laird, DW; Koch, DC; Carlin, DJ; Felsher, DW; Roy, D; Brown, DG; Ratovitski, E; Ryan, EP; Corsini, E; Rojas, E; Moon, E-Y; Laconi, E; Marongiu, F; Al-Mulla, F; Chiaradonna, F; Darroudi, F; Martin, FL; Van Schooten, FJ; Goldberg, GS; Wagemaker, G; Nangami, G; Calaf, GM; Williams, G; Wolf, GT; Koppen, G; Brunborg, G; Lyerly, HK; Krishnan, H; Ab Hamid, H; Yasaei, H; Sone, H; Kondoh, H; Salem, HK; Hsu, H-Y; Park, HH; Koturbash, I; Miousse, IR; Scovassi, AI; Klaunig, JE; Vondracek, J; Raju, J; Roman, J; Sr, WJP; Whitfield, JR; Woodrick, J; Christopher, JA; Ochieng, J; Fernando Martinez-Leal, J; Weisz, J; Kravchenko, J; Sun, J; Prudhomme, KR; Narayanan, KB; Cohen-Solal, KA; Moorwood, K; Gonzalez, L; Soucek, L; Jian, L; D'Abronzo, LS; Lin, L-T; Li, L; Gulliver, L; McCawley, LJ; Memeo, L; Vermeulen, L; Leyns, L; Zhang, L; Valverde, M; Khatami, M; Romano, MF; Chapellier, M; Williams, MA; Wade, M; Manjili, MH; Lleonart, M; Xia, M; Gonzalez, MJ; Karamouzis, MV; Kirsch-Volders, M; Vaccari, M; Kuemmerle, NB; Singh, N; Cruickshanks, N; Kleinstreuer, N; van Larebeke, N; Ahmed, N; Ogunkua, O; Krishnakumar, PK; Vadgama, P; Marignani, PA; Ghosh, PM; Ostrosky-Wegman, P; Thompson, P; Dent, P; Heneberg, P; Darbre, P; Leung, PS; Nangia-Makker, P; Cheng, QS; Robey, RB; Al-Temaimi, R; Roy, R; Andrade-Vieira, R; Sinha, RK; Mehta, R; Vento, R; Di Fiore, R; Ponce-Cusi, R; Dornetshuber-Fleiss, R; Nahta, R; Castellino, RC; Palorini, R; Abd Hamid, R; Langie, SAS; Eltom, S; Brooks, SA; Ryeom, S; Wise, SS; Bay, SN; Harris, SA; Papagerakis, S; Romano, S; Pavanello, S; Eriksson, S; Forte, S; Casey, SC; Luanpitpong, S; Lee, T-J; Otsuki, T; Chen, T; Massfelder, T; Sanderson, T; Guarnieri, T; Hultman, T; Dormoy, V; Odero-Marah, V; Sabbisetti, V; Maguer-Satta, V; Rathmell, WK; Engstrom, W; Decker, WK; Bisson, WH; Rojanasakul, Y; Luqmani, Y; Chen, Z; Hu, Z


Open Access#6507182009

Stormy Weather: Obama's health care plan hits town hall turbulence


Open Access#6507192008

Team of Champions


Open Access#6507202002

Putting fishers' knowledge to work : conference proceedings August 27-30, 2001 ; Fisheries Centre research reports, Vol. 11, no. 1


Open Access#650721

Juan Bautista Alberdi - Mariano Fragueiro: un debate teórico-político en el momento constituyente de 1853


Open Access#650722

Association of cohort and individual substance use with risk of transitioning to drug use, drug use disorder, and remission from disorder: findings from the world mental health surveys


Open Access#650723

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Open Access#6507241945

Acclimatization in the Andes - Historical Confirmations on "climate Aggression" in the development of societies of America ; Aclimatación en los Andes - Confirmaciones históricas sobre la "Agresión climática" en el desenvolvimiento de las sociedades de América


Open Access#6507251920

PARKER, Myron M. (1 of 2)


Open Access#6507262018

Exploring Space, Economy, and Interregional Interaction at a Second-Millennium B.C.E. Citadel in Central Western Anatolia:2014-2017 Research at Kaymakçı

In: Roosevelt , C H , Luke , C , Ünlüsoy , S , Çakirlar , C , Marston , J M , O'Grady , C R , Pavuk , P , Pieniazek , M , Scott , C B , Shin , N & Slim , F 2018 , ' Exploring Space, Economy, and Interregional Interaction at a Second-Millennium B.C.E. Citadel in Central Western Anatolia : 2014-2017 Research at Kaymakçı ' , American Journal of Archaeology , vol. 122 , no. 4 , pp. 645-688 . ; ISSN:0002-9114


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