
14 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12004

Interpreting the overseas dispatch of Japan Self-Defense Forces: a strategic cultural perspective


Open Access#22011

A study of Hong Kong young adults going to Japan on cultural pilgrimage


Open Access#32009

Internal coherence and electoral performance of the Democratic Party of Japan: party organization and media


Open Access#42015

日本帝國下日本與臺灣之治安法律比較研究: 以臺灣人的法律地位為中心 = A comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire : the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference. ; Comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire: the legal status...


Open Access#52012

日本大正時期與田漢早期創作中的女性婚戀議題. ; Women, love, marriage: Tian Han's early works and the Taisho period of Japan ; Riben Dazheng shi qi yu Tian Han zao qi chuang zuo zhong de nü xing hun lian yi ti


Open Access#62000

Reflections on the life and thought of Yanaihara Tadao (1893-1961)


Open Access#72009

Venereal disease control in colonial Taiwan


Open Access#82016

Takarazuka, Cosplay and Dansou Practice - Female Cross-dressing in Popular Culture


Open Access#91999

Intermediary arrangement between joint venture partners: study of the role of Hong Kong partners in sino-Japanese joint ventures


Open Access#102015

源義經在德川時代的形象及想像: The image and imagination of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in Tokugawa period. ; Image and imagination of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in Tokugawa period ; Yuan Yijing zai Dechuan shi dai de xing xiang ji xiang xiang: The image and imagination of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in Tokugawa period


Open Access#112006

How is nationalism framed in mainland China media with different levels of government control: case study of Sino-Japanese relationship


Open Access#122019

印度对印太外交的考虑及其局限: India's Indo-Pacific Diplomacy and its Limitations


Open Access#132015

明治日本漢文中國行紀研究: 近代中日文化交流與知識轉型 = On Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese during the Meiji period : modern Sino-Japanese cultural exchange and transformation of knowledge. ; 近代中日文化交流與知識轉型 ; On Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese during the Meiji period: modern Sino-Japanese cultural excha...


Open Access#142012

文本與語境: 《北洋官報》與清末北洋新政. ; 北洋官報與清末北洋新政 ; Text and context: the Beiyang gazette and the Beiyang reform of the late Qing dynasty ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Wen ben yu yu jing: "Bei yang guan bao" yu Qing mo bei yang xin zheng. ; Bei yang guan bao yu Qing mo bei yang xin zheng