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Book(electronic)#202620117 versions available

Chinese circulations: capital, commodities, and networks in Southeast Asia

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Open Access#20272004

A critical analysis of "all Israel will be saved" in Romans 11:25-32 in the light of sociological investigation


Open Access#20282015

反思红卫兵的暴力: 生命传记、文革记忆与政治文化 = Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards : life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution. ; Rethinking the violence of the Red Guards: life biography, memory and political culture of the Cultural Revolution ; Fan si hong wei bing de bao li: sheng...


Open Access#20292012

경제적 세계화와 국내 정치가 조세정책에 미치는 영향 연구 ; - 1981년 - 2008년 OECD 18개국을 대상으로


Open Access#20302015

宗教建築的"變形記": 清代杭州城市史上的天后宮與天主堂 = Tianhou temples and Catholic Church : changing religious architecture in Qing dynasty Hangzhou. ; Tianhou temples and Catholic Church: changing religious architecture in Qing dynasty Hangzhou ; 清代杭州城市史上的天后宮與天主堂 ; Zong jiao jian zhu de "bian xing ji": Qing dai Hangzhou ...


Open Access#20312015

「去國家化」與「再國家化」: 中國的廣播電視大學運動(1977-1988) = De-statization and re-statization : the Chinese broadcasting and television university movement (1977-1988). ; 去國家化與再國家化: 中國的廣播電視大學運動(1977-1988) ; 中國的廣播電視大學運動(1977-1988) ; De-statization and re-statization: the Chinese broadcasting and television university mo...


Open Access#20322014

Bifurcated time: aesthetics and politics of Apichatpong Weerasethakul's cinema = 分岔的時間 : 阿比查邦-魏拉希沙可電影的美學與政治. ; 分岔的時間: 阿比查邦-魏拉希沙可電影的美學與政治 ; Bifurcated time: aesthetics and politics of Apichatpong Weerasethakul's cinema = Fen cha de shi jian : Abichabang Weilaxishake dian ying de mei xue yu zheng zhi....


Open Access#20332020

정치효능감과 디지털 리터러시가 청소년의 정치참여에 미치는 영향


Open Access#20342012

Economic growth, distribution and political economy: a new perspective. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#20352014

假想敌还是真正的敌人?: 天主教会在中国与中共的宗教控制 = Real or misperceived opposites? : the Catholic Church and the Chinese Communist Party's religious control. ; 天主教会在中国与中共的宗教控制 ; Real or misperceived opposites?: the Catholic Church and the Chinese Communist Party's religious control ; Catholic Church and the Chinese Com...


Open Access#20362012

정부출연 비영리 연구재단 설립과정 비교 분석 ; 고구려연구재단과 동북아역사재단 설립사례를 중심으로


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World Affairs Online

Open Access#20382019

유엔한국재건단(UNKRA)의 조직과 활동 ; United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency: Organization and Activities


Open Access#20392016

Lala Movement and Pragmatic Resistance in China


Open Access#20402012

雙重分離: 農民工權益保障政策的實踐機制. ; Double disjuncture: practicing mechanism of protection policy for Chinese migrant workers' rights and interests ; 農民工權益保障政策的實踐機制 ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; Shuang chong fen li: nong min gong quan yi bao zhang zheng ce de shi jian ji zhi. ; Nong min ...