
36 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12007

Examining the anti-secession law, and its effects on cross-strait relations


Open Access#22015

Adapting with the times: Fajia law and state development ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#31998

無法無天, 一手遮天: 張憲初分析中國法律之不足及改善之法 ; A law unto themselves: the Chinese government has acknowledged that corruption in the judiciary is a serious problem


Open Access#42015

日本帝國下日本與臺灣之治安法律比較研究: 以臺灣人的法律地位為中心 = A comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire : the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference. ; Comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire: the legal status...


Open Access#52012

家庭团聚是移民法体系的核心 : 美国、加拿大家庭团聚移民政策分析 ; Family reunion immigration law system core : the United States, Canada family reunion immigration policy analysis


Open Access#62012

The nature of bonding benefit from listing Chinese companies in Hong Kong. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#72015

以法制民: 秦法律思想與國家意識形態研究. ; 以法制民 ; 秦法律思想與國家意識形態研究 ; Yi fa zhi min: Qin fa lü si xiang yu guo jia yi shi xing tai yan jiu. ; Yi fa zhi min ; Qin fa lü si xiang yu guo jia yi shi xing tai yan jiu



Open Access#91999

「一國兩制」: 香港與中國大陸能否就移交罪犯問題達成協議? ; One country and two systems: will Hong Kong and the mainland reach an agreement on rendition?


Open Access#102012

Ensuring the advancement of Chinese information technology: copyright restrictions anchored purely to utilitarian justification. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#112013

A paradigm shift of the trademark logo towards algorithmic justice: 邁向算法公義的商標圖案範式轉移 ; 邁向算法公義的商標圖案範式轉移 ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection ; paradigm shift of the trademark logo towards algorithmic justicd: Mai xiang suan fa gong yi de shang biao tu an fan shi zhuan yi ; Mai xiang sua...


Open Access#121997

Foreign investment in China : the administrative legal system


Open Access#132002

中國公益型非營利組織法律框架的比較研究. ; Comparative study on Chinese charitable nonprofit organizations ; Zhongguo gong yi xing fei ying li zu zhi fa lü kuang jia de bi jiao yan jiu


Open Access#142013

The regulation of mainland Chinese companies listing in Hong Kong: an examination of the enforcement problems and strategies. ; CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection


Open Access#152000

明太祖對刑罰輕重的態度與洪武律法對基層社會的模塑. ; Zhu Yuanzhang's attitudes towards punishment and his shaping of local society by law ; Ming Taizu dui xing fa qing zhong de tai du yu Hongwu lü fa dui ji ceng she hui de mo su