47 Ergebnisse
Reality check: How adolescents use TikTok as a digital backchanneling medium to speak back against institutional discourses of school(ing)
In: Radical teacher: a socialist, feminist and anti-racist journal on the theory and practice of teaching, Band 119, S. 61-67
ISSN: 1941-0832
This article centers on how TikTok's adolescent users "speak back" to discourses of school(ing) in the US. Through a discussion of four viral, school-related trends that have proliferated on TikTok over the past two years, the author calls attention to the ways school(ing), as a largescale, democratic project and socially constructed phenomenon, is being shaped by young people, for young people on a digital platform that backchannels a largely resistant attitude toward the institutional framing of school(ing) upheld by many adult educators today. The hope is that educators might engage these moments of rupture and feelings of dissonance in considerate ways that do not combat or cheapen the experiences of the young people in classrooms but instead open up opportunities for understanding and dialogue.
Reality check: How adolescents use TikTok as a digital backchanneling medium to speak back against institutional discourses of school(ing)
This article centers on how TikTok's adolescent users "speak back" to discourses of school(ing) in the US. Through a discussion of four viral, school-related trends that have proliferated on TikTok over the past two years, the author calls attention to the ways school(ing), as a largescale, democratic project and socially constructed phenomenon, is being shaped by young people, for young people on a digital platform that backchannels a largely resistant attitude toward the institutional framing of school(ing) upheld by many adult educators today. The hope is that educators might engage these moments of rupture and feelings of dissonance in considerate ways that do not combat or cheapen the experiences of the young people in classrooms but instead open up opportunities for understanding and dialogue.
In: Decision sciences, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 284-298
ISSN: 1540-5915
AbstractThe emerging judgment and decision‐making literature indicates that individuals use heuristic procedures that simplify cognitive processing requirements. Judgments (particularly subjective probabilities) are based on limited processing of a proper subset of the available evidence. Tasks potentially calling for complex analysis are reduced to heuristic procedures and efficient information processing may result; these heuristics can, however, produce systematic biases and costly errors in judgment.People also exhibit cognitive biases that systematically affect judgments of statistical properties of random variables. The biases appear to be cognitive in nature and therefore are not due entirely to emotional, motivational, or cost‐of‐processing considerations. For some cognitive biases, a possible explanation has been suggested in the context of a heuristic processing procedure.The objective of this paper is to analyze and synthesize the currently available research on cognitive heuristics and information‐processing biases from the perspective of research and actual financial decision situations. Important implications for users and designers of information systems will be discussed. One generic conclusion from the literature is that individuals appear to be inadequate "intuitive" statisticians; a need for formal judgment and decision aids will become clear.
Politische Sprache: die aktive Verwendung ideologischer Konzepte bei der Beurteilung politischer Parteien in der Bevölkerung der USA und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
In: Politischer Liberalismus in der Bundesrepublik
In einer semantischen Analyse der "politischen Sprache" soll festgestellt werden, welche ideologischen Konzepte in der Bevölkerung der Bundesrepublik und der USA spontan verwendet werden. Die Daten basieren auf Umfragen aus den Jahren 1969, 1972, 1976 (Bundesrepublik) bzw. 1968 (USA). Die Antworten von Befragten zu offenen Fragen über die "guten" und "schlechten" Seiten der politischen Parteien wurden nach dem Prinzip der "höchsten" ausgesprochenen Konzeptualisierung auf der Basis des gesamten Antwort-Textes verkodet. Die Analyse bezieht sich nur auf einen Teil der jeweiligen Stichproben, da nur ein Viertel bis ein Drittel der Befragten ein ideologisches Konzept zur Beurteilung der politischen Parteien verwendet hatte und nur fünf bis zehn Prozent zwei oder mehr Konzepte i. S. des klassischen "Links-Rechts"- bzw. des "Liberalismus-Konservatismus" (USA)-Kontinuums. Die amerikanischen Daten zeigten eine extreme Polarisierung von "konservativen" und "liberalen" Konzepten an. Im Zeitvergleich der deutschen Daten wurde eine zunehmende Polarisierung in der ideologischen Beurteilung der deutschen Parteien festgestellt. Das ideologische Profil der FDP war am stärksten gespalten. (OH)
An Economic Theory of the Feudal System: Towards a Model of the Polish Economy 1500-1800. By Witold Kula. Translated by Lawrence Garner. Introduction by Fernand Braudel. London and Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: NLB and Humanities Press, 1976 [Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1962]. 191 pp. $13.00
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 320-321
ISSN: 2325-7784
Sir Thomas Browne's Pseudoxia Epidemica and English Coffee House Journalism
In: The journal of popular culture: the official publication of the Popular Culture Association, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 36-41
ISSN: 1540-5931
Neo-Serfdom in Bohemia
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 239-252
ISSN: 2325-7784
"Serfdom" is one of those conventions of historical nomenclature which, like "feudal" or "medieval," are intended to bring together in concept a number of similar elements for common consideration. Very often we are inclined to forget that the elements composing the whole may bear many marks of dissimilarity as well as marks of likeness. We should be on guard, then, not to allow the convenience of conventional terms to blind us to the great variety of characteristics and variations in quality to be found in the thing named. "Serfdom," just like "feudalism," means different things at different times and places, and it is well for us from time to time to examine more closely the several manifestations of it to determine if there may be important differences distinguishing one type from the other, even though they all seem to sail under the same colors.
Revolutionary Hamburg: Labor Politics in the Early Weimar Republic. By Richard A. Comfort. (Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1966. Pp. x, 226. $6.00.)
In: American political science review, Band 61, Heft 4, S. 1144-1145
ISSN: 1537-5943
Ideological-Pragmatic Orientations of West Berlin Local Party Officials
In: Midwest journal of political science: publication of the Midwest Political Science Association, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 381
Ideological-pragmatic orientations of West Berlin local party officials
In: Midwest journal of political science: publication of the Midwest Political Science Association, Band 11, S. 381-402
ISSN: 0026-3397
Parteigruppen in der Gross-Stadt: Untersuchungen in einem Berliner Kreisverband der CDU. Schriften des Instituts fuer Politische Wissenschaft, Band 16. By Renate Mayntz. (Cologne and Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. 1959. Pp. x, 159.)
In: American political science review, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 788-789
ISSN: 1537-5943
Succession and investment in New Zealand farming
In: New Zealand economic papers, Band 53, Heft 2, S. 203-214
ISSN: 1943-4863