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The global fight against LGBTI rights: how transnational conservative networks target sexual and gender minorities

In: LGBTI politics

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Open Access#1372014

The latest progress in human rights protection of LGBTI community in the Inter-American field ; Los avances más recientes en la protección de los derechos humanos del grupo LGBTI en el ámbito interamericano


Article(electronic)#138June 14, 2024

Bonding over bashing: Discussing LGBTI topics in far-right alternative news media comments sections

In: Communications: the European journal of communication research

ISSN: 1613-4087

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Article(electronic)#139September 28, 2021

Re-Thinking Protection for LGBTI Refugees in Kampala, Uganda: A Relational, Trust-Based Approach

In: Refugee survey quarterly, Volume 41, Issue 1, p. 26-51

ISSN: 1471-695X

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Working paper


The double-helix entanglements of transnational advocacy: moral conservative resistance to LGBTI rights

In: Review of international studies: RIS

ISSN: 1469-9044

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World Affairs Online

Article(electronic)#142November 14, 2023

The double-helix entanglements of transnational advocacy: Moral conservative resistance to LGBTI rights

In: Review of international studies: RIS, Volume 50, Issue 2, p. 289-311

ISSN: 1469-9044

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Article(electronic)#143June 2022

Direitos trabalhistas como direitos LGBTI+: uma leitura queer dos retrocessos sociolaborais no STF

In: Revista Direito e Práxis: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Volume 13, Issue 2, p. 1289-1318

ISSN: 2179-8966

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Article(electronic)#144March 6, 2019

Redefining the Boundaries: Studies on the LGBTI-Themed Graffiti in the Streets of Nicosia

In: Revista de cercetare şi intervenţie socială: RCIS = Review of research and social intervention = Revue de recherche et intervention sociale, Volume 64, p. 300-322

ISSN: 1584-5397

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Article(electronic)#145January 11, 2021

Do "Kit Gay" ao "Ministério da Família": a desinstitucionalização das políticas públicas LGBTI+ no Brasil

In: Cadernos de gênero e tecnologia, Volume 14, Issue 43, p. 74

ISSN: 1807-9415

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Article(electronic)#146June 22, 2016

Pride parades and prejudice: Visibility of Roma and LGBTI communities in post-socialist Europe

In: Communist and post-communist studies, Volume 49, Issue 3, p. 269-277

ISSN: 0967-067X

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Open Access#1472020

Análisis del caso "NH c. Associazione Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI- Rete Lenford"


Article(electronic)#148January 31, 2022

Under pressure: developing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) inclusive emergency services

In: Australian journal of emergency management: AJEM, Volume 10.47389/37, Issue 1, p. 52

ISSN: 1324-1540

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