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Open Access#274962017

The Problems of Application Part 4 of Art. 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for Exemption from Criminal Responsibility for Evasion of Taxes and Duties ; Проблемы применения освобождения от уголовной ответственности за уклонение от уплаты налогов, сборов (обязательных платежей) по ч. 4 ст. 212 УК ...


Open Access#274972017

Légitimité et révolution en Tunisie : les leçons tunisiennes de la Haute Instance pour la réalisation des objectifs de la révolution


Open Access#274982017

Los temas históricos conflictivos y su abordaje escolar: un ejemplo español ; The conflicting historical issues and their school approach: a Spanish example


Open Access#274992017

The Ghosts of the Conspiracy. The socio-political aftermath of the Pazzi Conspiracy for the Pazzi and the Salviati families. I fantasmi della Congiura: le conseguenze socio-politiche della Congiura dei Pazzi per le famiglie Pazzi e Salviati


Open Access#275002017

Corporate governance of banks: A German alternative to the "standard model"


Open Access#275012017

Administracja celna jako element struktury administracji publicznej po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej


Open Access#275022017

European Parliament the Democratic Representative for the People of Europe


Open Access#275032017

Oral Law in Litigation in South Africa: An Evidential Nightmare?


Open Access#275042017

Language Planning and Policy, Law and (Post)Colonial Relations in Small Island States: A Case Study


Open Access#275052017

Ecological risks in the economic transition conditions: Case study of reindustrialization of Valjevo


Open Access#275062017

Conceptualización y evaluación de la violencia de Género ; Conceptualization and evaluation of gender violence


Open Access#275072017

The Projects of Regional Officials on the Establishment of the Mining School in Altai (Late 18th — Early 19th Centuries) ; Проекты региональных чиновников по учреждению Горного училища на Алтае (конец XVIII — начало XIX в.)


Open Access#275082017

Policy shifts and stock market : lessons from the US and China


Open Access#275092017

Oral Law in Litigation in South Africa: An Evidential Nightmare?


Open Access#275102017

Central-Provincial Dynamics in China's WTO Disputes: 'Local Protectionism' versus International Pressure