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Open Access#523252002

European citizenship through democracy and constitution


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Open Access#523282003

Incentive Problems in Banking Supervision: The European Case



Von der Zukunftskonferenz zur Reform der EU: vier Lehren für eine Union, die wieder mit der Balance von Vertiefung und Erweiterung konfrontiert ist

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World Affairs Online

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Open Access#523322022

Italian Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents : Difficulties Experienced and Support Needed in Intergenerational Caregiving—Qualitative Findings from a European Union Funded Project


Open Access#523332021

Italian Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents: Difficulties Experienced and Support Needed in Intergenerational Caregiving—Qualitative Findings from a European Union Funded Project


Open Access#523342021

Italian Adolescent Young Caregivers of Grandparents: Difficulties Experienced and Support Needed in Intergenerational Caregiving—Qualitative Findings from a European Union Funded Project


Open Access#523352015

Variables in the political relations between the European Union and Egypt after 2012 ; Zmienne w relacjach politycznych Unii Europejskiej z Egiptem po roku 2012