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New deal and new forms of employment

In: Labour and society: a quarterly journal of the International Institute for Labour Studies, Volume 15, Issue 2, p. 237-254

ISSN: 0378-5408

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Governance and public bureaucracy: new forms of democracy or new forms of control?

In: Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, Volume 26, Issue 1, p. 3-15

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Open Access#1092012

New forms of design education


Article(electronic)#11031. Dezember 2016

New Forms of Tourism Education

In: Folia Turistica, Volume 41, Issue 0, p. 63-80

ISSN: 0867-3888

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Overview of new forms of employment: 2018 update

In: EF 18/050

In: Ad hoc report

In: Working conditions

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Kollektive Interessenregulierung in der 'betriebsratsfreien Zone': typische Formen 'Anderer Vertretungsorgane'

In: Industrielle Beziehungen: Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, Volume 16, Issue 2, p. 136-153

ISSN: 1862-0035

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Open Access#1132011

Darbo organizavimo formos ; Forms of organisation of work


Open Access#1142011

Darbo organizavimo formos ; Forms of organisation of work


Article(electronic)#115Juni 2017

Unacceptable forms of work: A multidimensional model

In: International labour review, Volume 156, Issue 2, p. 147-184

ISSN: 1564-913X

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Article(electronic)#119Dezember 1963

New Forms of Colonialism in Africa

In: The journal of modern African studies: a quarterly survey of politics, economics & related topics in contemporary Africa, Volume 1, Issue 4, p. 467-474

ISSN: 1469-7777

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