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World Affairs Online

Open Access#42014

Key determinants of the productivity of the agricultural sectors in Lithuania and Germany: what role do rural development programmes play?


Open Access#52014

Key determinants of the productivity of the agricultural sectors in Lithuania and Germany: what role do rural development programmes play?


Open Access#62018

Aspects and perspectives of contemporary higher education in the context of public service development in Republic of Moldova



Perspectivele de dezvoltare a dreptului european al contractelor

In: Studii Europene, Issue 1, p. 17-36

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Book chapter(electronic)#82019

Piața forței de muncă a raionului Cahul - evoluții generale (2014-2018)

In: Dezvoltarea economico-socială durabilă a euroregiunilor și a zonelor transfrontaliere. Vol. XXXV Economie, p. 122-129

Open Access#92020

Development policies of the Republic of Moldova - content and implications for european integration



Marriage, collective mentality and customary regulations in North-Western Transylvania (2nd half of the 19th century)

In: Crisia, Issue Supl, p. 173-186

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Book chapter(electronic)#142010

Rural professions versus urban professions: socio-professional determinisms and marital options in Crisana (second half of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century)

In: Relaţia rural-urban: ipostaze ale modernităţii

Open Access#152017

Dezvoltarea regională în Republica Moldova: Paradigma europeană şi particularităţile naţionale