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Book(electronic)#120093 versions available

Handbuch Soziologie

In: EBL-Schweitzer



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Verlaufsmusteranalyse: Methodologische Konsequenzen der Zeitlichkeit sozialen Handelns



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Soziologische und ökonomische Theorien der Erwerbsarbeit: eine Einführung

In: Campus Studium

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Long-Term Processes as Obstacles Against the Fourth Ecological Transformation: Ecological Sustainability and the Spatial Arrangements of Food Markets

In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Volume 48, Issue 1, p. 105-145

ISSN: 2366-6846

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Decolonizing Social Science Methodology: Positionality in the German-Language Debate

In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Volume 46, Issue 2, p. 205-543

ISSN: 2366-6846

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Process-Oriented Micro-Macro-Analysis: Methodological Reflections on Elias and Bourdieu

In: Historical Social Research, Volume 42, Issue 4, p. 43-74

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Comparing societies and cultures: challenges of cross-cultural survey research as an approach to spatial analysis

In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Volume 39, Issue 2, p. 257-291

ISSN: 2366-6846

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Book chapter(electronic)#102009

Konsequenzen des Verlusts des ganzheitlichen Denkens: soziale Marktwirtschaft und die Triade Arbeitsmarkt, Sozialstaat und Geschlechterbeziehungen am Beispiel von Westdeutschland

In: Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialpolitik: Kontroversen um Effizienz und soziale Sicherheit, p. 189-229


Problems of linking theory and data in historical sociology and longitudinal research

In: Historical Social Research, Volume 34, Issue 1, p. 7-21

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Measurement and selection bias in longitudinal data: a framework for re-opening the discussion on data quality and generalizability of social bookkeeping data

In: Historical Social Research, Volume 34, Issue 3, p. 9-50

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Was kann die Soziologie methodisch von der Geschichtswissenschaft lernen?

In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Volume 33, Issue 3, p. 217-248

ISSN: 2366-6846

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Taking perspectivity seriously: a suggestion of a conceptual framework for linking theory and methods in longitudinal and comparative research

In: Historical social research: HSR-Retrospective (HSR-Retro) = Historische Sozialforschung, Volume 33, Issue 4, p. 191-213

ISSN: 2366-6846

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