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Das Einzelkornschleifen*/The single grain grinding

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 107, Issue 6, p. 448-452

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Simulationsbasierte Bewertung von Weiterbildungen*/Simulation-based evaluation of further education - Potential of a company-specific approach for cost-benefit-analysis of training programs

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 106, Issue 4, p. 282-287

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Nutzung von Betriebsdaten zur Produktionsplanung*/Use of operating data for production planning - Investigation of employee influence on the achievement of production targets

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 106, Issue 3, p. 141-145

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Sensorische Werkstücke*/Sensory workpieces - Process monitoring by sensor integration into the workpiece

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 106, Issue 11-12, p. 815-820

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz bei HSS-Fräsern/Increase of resource-efficiency of high-speed steel end mills - Increasing productivity of HSS-tools by adjusting micro geometry and coating

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 108, Issue 1-02, p. 58-64

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Selbstparametrierende Prozessüberwachungssysteme*/Self-parameterising process monitoring systems - Self-adjusting process monitoring strategies for series production

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 107, Issue 7-08, p. 487-491

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Markierungsfreie Bauteil-Identifikation*/Mark-free identification of components – Using passive surface features for identification during production and use phase

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 106, Issue 6, p. 412-415

ISSN: 1436-4980

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Innovatives Zangenwalzwerkzeug*/An innovative pincer rolling tool

In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Volume 106, Issue 7-08, p. 571-575

ISSN: 1436-4980

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