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Article(electronic)#1January 28, 2024

Family background consistently affects economic success across the life cycle: A research note on how brother correlations overlap over the life course

In: The British journal of sociology: BJS online, Volume 75, Issue 3, p. 347-353

ISSN: 1468-4446

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Article(electronic)#5October 9, 2014

Præferencer for reproduktion? En analyse af den sociale stratificering af danske unges uddannelsesforventninger i henholdsvis 1968 og 2011

In: Dansk sociologi: tidsskrift udgivet af Dansk Sociologforening, Volume 25, Issue 3, p. 93-114

ISSN: 0905-5908

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Article(electronic)#7May 26, 2023

Origins of attainment: do brother correlations in occupational status and income overlap?

In: European sociological review, Volume 40, Issue 3, p. 379-389

ISSN: 1468-2672

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Article(electronic)#8July 30, 2018

Interpreting and Understanding Logits, Probits, and Other Nonlinear Probability Models

In: Annual review of sociology, Volume 44, Issue 1, p. 39-54

ISSN: 1545-2115

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Article(electronic)#10August 8, 2014

Correlations and Nonlinear Probability Models

In: Sociological methods and research, Volume 43, Issue 4, p. 571-605

ISSN: 1552-8294

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Article(electronic)#11May 2013

Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects in Logit and Probit Models

In: Sociological methods and research, Volume 42, Issue 2, p. 164-191

ISSN: 1552-8294

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Article(electronic)#12August 2012

Comparing Regression Coefficients Between Same-sample Nested Models Using Logit and Probit: A New Method

In: Sociological methodology, Volume 42, Issue 1, p. 286-313

ISSN: 1467-9531

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Article(electronic)#13November 2, 2011

Kassen, kulturen og kontakterne: Økonomisk, kulturel og social kapital i to generationer

In: Dansk sociologi: tidsskrift udgivet af Dansk Sociologforening, Volume 22, Issue 3, p. 61-80

ISSN: 0905-5908

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Article(electronic)#14June 9, 2022

Life-Cycle Economic Returns to Educational Mobility in Denmark

In: Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association, Volume 56, Issue 6, p. 1121-1139

ISSN: 1469-8684

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