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Open Access#12020

Non-mobile population and election estimate in Spain. The case of the Andalusian elections of 2012 Cell Phone-only Population and Election Forecasting in Spain: The 2012 Regional Election in Andalusia ; Población solo-móvil y estimación electoral en España. El caso de las elecciones andaluzas de 201...


Open Access#22018

Población solo-móvil y estimación electoral en España. El caso de las elecciones andaluzas de 2012 Cell Phone-only Population and Election Forecasting in Spain: The 2012 Regional Election in Andalusia


Article(electronic)#3February 21, 2024

Población solo-móvil y estimación electoral en España el caso de las elecciones andaluzas de 2012

In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Issue 162, p. 55-72

ISSN: 1988-5903

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Open Access#42020

Treating Nonresponse in Probability-Based Online Panels through Calibration: Empirical Evidence from a Survey of Political Decision-Making Procedures


Article(electronic)#5April 7, 2023

Not only a territorial matter: The electoral surge of VOX and the anti-libertarian reaction

In: PloS one

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Open Access#62016

Tracing the Impact of Proposals from Participatory Processes: Methodological Challenges and Substantive Lessons



A Scent of Strategy: Response Error in a List Experiment on Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

In: Methods, data, analyses: mda ; journal for quantitative methods and survey methodology, Volume 18, Issue 2, p. 249-262

ISSN: 2190-4936

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Open Access#82020

Treating Nonresponse in Probability-Based Online Panels through Calibration: Empirical Evidence from a Survey of Political Decision-Making Procedures