Open Access BASE2021

Inovatyvumas Šilutės rajono savivaldybės administracijoje ; Innovativeness in the administration of Šilutė district municipality


Innovation in the age of globalisation is one of the essential aspects in the context of public administration, and solves the problems of modernisation of public administration influenced by global processes. In order to achieve improvement in the social, economic and technological areas, the public management organisation has to seek the innovation implementation process, it is expedient for it to assimilate the importance of innovativeness in the organisation. The adaptation of innovations in public administration improves the performance of organisations and enables public structures to operate more efficiently. The new public governace is considered to be an essential paradigm of today's public administration, which is changing, open to innovations and improvement. Therefore, it is believed that the successful innovation of a public administration organization can be determined by human resources, information technology and networking factors. The Master's Thesis raises a problematic question: What impact do the factors of the new public governance (human resources, information technologies and networking) have on the innovation of Administration of Šilutė district municipality (hereinafter – Administration)? The aim is to determine the impact of the new public governance factors to the innovativeness of Administration. To achieve this goal, three tasks are set: to review innovativeness in the public sector, based on the legal regulation of the European Union and national level; to analyze the factors of the new public governance in the context of innovativeness, detailing the concept of the new public governance; to carry out a study in order to assess the impact of the new public governance factors on the innovativeness of the Administration. The object of research was the Administration of Šilutė district municipality. The Thesis shows that innovations are important components of the activities of organisations regulated at the European Union and national level, and the factors of the new public governance are significant factors in the field of innovativness of public organisation. The results of the research showed that in the Administration, the factors of human resources, information technologies and networking have a significant impact to the innovativeness of the organisation. The highest impact is lead by the information technologies factor, the minor – by the networking factor.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Klaipeda University

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