Open Access BASE2012

Who fits into the science classroom? : Critical perspectives on pedagogical models in science education


This mini-symposium aims to stress issues about how pedagogical models like e.g. SSI, science for girls and ESD construct who fits in or not in the science classroom. These models are developed from a good intention of including "all" students, opening up possibilities for them who often are seen as outsiders in science culture. But we claim that these seemingly democratic pedagogical models fabricate desirable and undesirable subjects. Often, the norms for fitting in can be understood in terms of images of gender, ethnicity and social class. A movement in science education research highlights the importance of making science knowledge "useful" for "everyone" in "everyday life". The aim with these efforts is to let students develop scientific literacy, which often is talked about as "necessary" for citizenship. Different practices carry strong ideas of designing the future, and emphasize the need of competences that are inscribed in the concept of "future citizen". These competencies are often described in terms of problem-solving, critical thinking and making rational decisions to contribute to a sustainable world. In relation to this image, those children that don't want to make decisions, solve problems become constructed as failures. In a wider perspective, they can be seen as threatening the intentions of science contribution to a sustainable world. In this symposium we would like to raise critical issues about what norms that are constructing individuals, from different social categories, as desirable or non-desirable in science classroom. These issues will be discussed in relation to six examples from empirical studies which are problematizing the construction of the desirable science student. These examples are: 1) PISA construction of the science student; 2) Social class in science class; 3) Narratives of females and science; 4) Gender, sexuality and normality; 5) Who is the democratic citizen?; 6) Who is the sustainable citizen?




Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för matematikämnets och naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik; Malmö högskola, Sweden; Universitetet i Oslo, Norway; Yasmine, Hammamet : International Organisation for Science and Technology Education

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