Open Access BASE2019

Introduction. Thematic issue "Open Access and Research Data. Contributions from the Information and Communication Sciences" ; Introduction. Dossier « Libre accès et données de la recherche. Quelle résonance dans les SIC ? »


International audience ; In the open science and open access to scientific publications movement, the availability of open research data is a recent trend, but one that is becoming increasingly important at the institutional level (European H2020 or ANR national research programs). The publication of research results is no longer sufficient, and it is now necessary to perpetuate, and as far as possible share, the raw or pre-processed data collected during research projects. In their daily professional lives, researchers in Communication Science and Library and Information Sciences are particularly confronted with this evolution, which is likely to influence both their practices and their research objectives. Indeed, from the collection of data - whose typology and very nature, even the conditions of production, often remain uncertain - to their valorisation (initial scientific publication, reuse in sometimes very different perspectives, various treatments.) via phases of description, structuring, analysis, conservation and communication, all aspects of the research in Communication Science and Library and Information Sciences are questioned: methodology, analysis and treatment, interpretation, dissemination, in addition to the ethical aspect. This issue of Études de communication intends to address and question those dimensions of information and communication science research. ; Dans la mouvance de la science ouverte (Open Science) et du libre accès aux publications scientifique, la mise à disposition des données de la recherche (Open Research Data) est un courant récent, mais qui s'affirme de plus en plus massivement au niveau institutionnel (programmes de recherches européens H2020 ou nationaux ANR). La publication des résultats de la recherche ne suffit plus, et il faut désormais pérenniser, et dans la mesure du possible partager, les données brutes ou prétraitées collectées au cours des projets de recherche. Dans leur quotidien professionnel, les chercheurs en SIC sont particulièrement confrontés à cette ...

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