Open Access BASE2021

Disability and employment : between discrimination and professional inclusion ; Handicap et emploi : entre discrimination et inclusion professionnelle


In the labor market, inequalities of treatment are often experienced by minority populations. People with disabilities are not spared. The professional integration of people with disabilities is a major issue in developed countries. Despite numerous policies and incentives for hiring, the situation does not seem to be improving. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the situation of disabled people in the labor market by measuring the discrimination suffered by these people in their access to employment and by evaluating the public policies implemented in favor of their integration in order to be able to propose avenues for improvement. First, we measured discrimination due to two types of disability: motor disability and visual disability. We have highlighted relatively important differences between the person with a disability and the person without a disability. The disability has a negative impact on the job search and on the first step of the hiring process. Applicants with disabilities are less likely to be invited to a job interview, with relative differences of 13% to 17% depending on the type of disability. This discrimination is quite heterogeneous and depends on the characteristics of the institutions tested. We also analyzed the link between discrimination and the hiring incentive policy. The latter cancels out this negative effect in establishments subject to this incentive. Secondly, we evaluated the policy of the obligation to employ disabled workers (OETH) of the 2005 law on disability, which imposes a quota of 6% for establishments with 20 or more employees. This policy is only beneficial for people with disabilities who have administrative recognition of their disability status. They are more likely to be employed after the 2005 law ; Sur le marché du travail, des inégalités de traitement sont souvent subies par des catégories de populations minoritaires. Les personnes en situation de handicap n'en sont pas moins épargnées. L'insertion professionnelle de ces personnes est, aujourd'hui, une ...

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