Open Access BASE2009

The impact of regionalised RTDI policy measures in Germany: the Network RNA Technologies Berlin (RiNA) as an example


Taking the most popular regional RTDI policy concepts, particularly the network para-digm (Cooke/Morgan 1993) as a starting point, it is the objective of this paper to theo-retically and empirically discuss the necessity and impact of regional or regionalised RTDI policy measures within the context of multi-level governance. Based on the pro-motional measure Netzwerk RNA-Technologien Berlin, initiated by the German Minis-try of Education and Research (BMBF), we shall discuss what kinds of specific policy measures can be undertaken in order to activate and support regionally embedded scientific-technological potentials. In addition, attention will be paid to challenges re-garding the multi-level governance of the funding measure and regional and national effects, particularly within the context of research and networks aspects. What can be seen from the case study is that the coordination of the funding measure proved to be quite challenging. Due to the long-lasting andcomplicated process of setting up the funding measure and the implicit, diverging goals and interests of the key players BMBF, Senate and industry, the resulting network is characterised by unique structural elements which are intertwined or overlap with each other in complex ways. However, due to the policy measure - which supports network activities primarily within coopera-tion projects -, the cooperation intensity of scientific institutions with companies was increased significantly, thus contributing to the goal of fostering the commercial exploitation of research results.




Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI

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