
The Crisis of Masculinity and the Politics of Identity


Viewing masculinity as an "ideology produced by men as a result of the threat posed to the survival of the patriarchal sexual division of labor by the rise of modernity," the "crisis" of masculinity is explored as a function of its socially constructed nature. It is argued that the material progress of modernity has created an atmosphere in which women are demanding & attaining equality. The widely accepted belief in masculinity as a gender identity specific to men that imbues power, privilege, resources, & status is likewise being challenged both in theory & in practice. Evidence of the ideological & material weakening of patriarchy is presented, & attributed to the rise of modern capitalism & its underlying liberal political philosophy. Such shifts in dominant conceptualizations of masculinity are encouraged, & directions for a new politics of identity are outlined. 2 Tables, 1 Figure, 35 References. K. Hyatt Stewart

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