
'It must come from Europe': the racisms of Immanuel Kant

In: Racisms made in Germany, S. 69-98


"The question of racism in Kant is predominantly discussed using the example of the Kantian race theory. This is a far too narrow perspective which neither gives consideration to the complexity and scope of racist arguments nor to their use by Kant. In order to grasp his contribution to modern racism, his racerelated, antisemitic, antiziganist and orientalist thoughts and typen of discrimination must be examined. The overall view shows that Kant advances a broadly based cultural racism. This racism also shapes his contribution on race theory and results in white supremacy. It prejudices Kant's image of humanity to such a degree that he supposes that only Europeans can perfect the development of human abilities and that other races either have to be guided by them or perish." (author's abstract)

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