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World Affairs Online


The ethos of the stage: Eustahija Arsic

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 180, p. 507-521

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Open Access#42020

Što je to trubadurska radost? ; What is a Troubadour Joy?



Untrustworthiness of Troubadour's mask

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 173, p. 25-36

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Polemology and xenology: Waldenfels and the sting of the alien

In: Filozofija i društvo, Volume 29, Issue 3, p. 377-386

ISSN: 2334-8577

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Three faces of the classical

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 168, p. 755-768

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Collective ethos. Phenomenology, early avant-garde and new anthropology

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 163, p. 459-469

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Passivity and leveling Husserl, Heidegger and Hugo Ball

In: Filozofija i društvo, Volume 27, Issue 1, p. 225-236

ISSN: 2334-8577

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Kant and the romantic ontology

In: Filozofija i društvo, Volume 26, Issue 1, p. 47-68

ISSN: 2334-8577

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Investigation as support in teaching philosophy the first decade of the journal Arche

In: Filozofija i društvo, Volume 24, Issue 2, p. 16-22

ISSN: 2334-8577

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Tertium datur: Sloterdijk and philosophy of the media

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 133, p. 7-18

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Heidegger'sche existenzialen der geschichtlichkeit: ürschprunglichkeit oder konstruktion?

In: Filozofija i društvo, Volume 18, Issue 1, p. 49-86

ISSN: 2334-8577

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To understand time from the time?: The role of ′Marburg′ notion of time in Heidegger's confrontation with Hegel

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 123, p. 51-70

ISSN: 2406-0836

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Historicity: Heidegger's rejection of world history

In: Zbornik Matice Srpske za društvene nauke: Proceedings for social sciences, Issue 120, p. 147-173

ISSN: 2406-0836

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