Open Access BASE2016

Kompetenz verleiht Flügel. Ursprung und theoretische Grundlagen der Kompetenzorientierung. Ausgewählte Kapitel aus dem Buch: Der Siegeszug der Kompetenzen


"Woher stammt die Kompetenzorientierung und Standardisierung?" In diesem Text werden 18 ausgewählte Kapitel aus dem Buch (Der Siegeszug der Kompetenzen) angeboten. Das Bemühen um wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit, der Einbezug der persönlichen Erfahrung und Betroffenheit des Autors und der Versuch, ein komplexes und heikles Thema klar und verständlich darzustellen, sind drei besondere Aspekte, die den Text kennzeichnen. [.] Die Frage nach dem Ursprung (die im vorliegenden Text behandelt wird) wurde im Buch als Ausgangspunkt gewählt, weil es dadurch möglich ist, sich einem sehr umstrittenen Thema auf möglichst sachliche Weise zu nähern. Der wirtschaftliche Zusammenhang steht oft wie eine Vermutung oder Anschuldigung im Raum, deshalb wurde versucht, die diesbezüglichen Tatsachen sehr gründlich zu untersuchen. ; This text comprises 18 chapters from the book about the origin of competence-oriented teaching and testing. It is an attempt to explain the origin behind the powerful trend in Austrian schools which has been foreshadowed by a new curriculum in the year 2000 for secondary schools and then has been fully implemented with the first GCE-level exams during the 2014/15 school year. The origin is traced back to 1961, to a conference in Washington about economic growth and investment into education by the OECD and to 1997, when a project (DeSeCo) was started in Switzerland which is closely linked to the PISA tests and to curriculum reforms in Europe. The author has come to a clear stance but always tries to differentiate between facts and his own convictions - thus inviting people of diverse opinions to read his book. Other topics in this book are the impossibility of measuring competences, the worrying relationship between the "Chicago School of Economics" and the OECD, digitalisation and the society of control (referring to the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze), behavioristic tendencies in school management, discipline and teaching, the need for data to manage schools like private companies, the question of the "free will" and the volitional competencies, i.e. the fact that the willingness to learn something has become something teachers should consider in their marks. The main objective of the book is to inform the readers and to invite them to challenge the current trend that is presented far too often as a solution, whereas it should be treated as an inevitable spillover of other developments in an industrial consumer society. The author comes to the conclusion that cooperation and trust are more important than competition and control.

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