Open Access BASE2012

Compressibility and structural stability of ultra-incompressible bimetallic interstitial carbides and nitrides


144103-1 144103-4 85 ; S Friedrich, A., Winkler, B., Bayarjargal, L., Morgenroth, W., Juarez-Arellano, E. A., Milman, V., … Chen, K. (2010). Novel Rhenium Nitrides. Physical Review Letters, 105(8). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.105.085504 ; We have investigated by means of high-pressure x-ray diffraction the structural stability of Pd 2Mo 3N, Ni 2Mo 3C 0.52N 0.48, Co 3Mo 3C 0.62N 0.38, and Fe 3Mo 3C. We have found that they remain stable in their ambient-pressure cubic phase at least up to 48 GPa. All of them have a bulk modulus larger than 330 GPa, the least compressible material being Fe 3Mo 3C, B 0 = 374(3) GPa. In addition, apparently a reduction of compressibility is detected as the carbon content is increased. The equation of state for each material is determined. A comparison with other refractory materials indicates that interstitial nitrides and carbides behave as ultra-incompressible materials. © 2012 American Physical Society. Research supported by Spanish MCYT under Grants No. MAT2010-21270-C04-01, No. MAT2009-14144-CO3-03, and No. CSD2007-00045 (MALTA Consolider Team). XRD experiments carried out at the Diamond Light Source (I15 beamline, proposal EE6517). Errandonea, D.; Ruiz-Fuertes, J.; Sans, JA.; Santamaría-Perez, D.; Gomis Hilario, O.; Gómez, A.; Sapiña, F. (2012). Compressibility and structural stability of ultra-incompressible bimetallic interstitial carbides and nitrides. Physical Review B. 85:144103-1-144103-4. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.144103 Zerr, A., Riedel, R., Sekine, T., Lowther, J. E., Ching, W. Y., & Tanaka, I. (2006). Recent Advances in New Hard High-Pressure Nitrides. Advanced Materials, 18(22), 2933-2948. doi:10.1002/adma.200501872 El-Himri, A., Sapiña, F., Ibañez, R., & Beltrán, A. (2001). Pd2Mo3N: a new molybdenum bimetallic interstitial nitride. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 11(9), 2311-2314. doi:10.1039/b101616o Errandonea, D., Ferrer-Roca, C., Martínez-Garcia, D., Segura, A., Gomis, O., Muñoz, A., … Sapiña, F. (2010). High-pressure x-ray diffraction andab initiostudy ...

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