
Religious Politicians and Creative Photographers: Automatic User Categorization in Twitter

In: SocialCom '13: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Social Computing, S. 303-310


Finding the ''right people'' is a central aspect of social media systems. Twitter has millions of users who have varied interests, professions and personalities. For those in fields such as advertising and marketing, it is important to identify certain characteristics of users to target. However, Twitter users do not generally provide sufficient information about themselves on their profile which makes this task difficult. In response, this work sets out to automatically infer professions (e.g., musicians, health sector workers, technicians) and personality related attributes (e.g., creative, innovative, funny) for Twitter users based on features extracted from their content, their interaction networks, attributes of their friends and their activity patterns. We develop a comprehensive set of latent features that are then employed to perform efficient classification of users along these two dimensions (profession and personality). Our experiments on a large sample of Twitter users demonstrate both a high overall accuracy in detecting profession and personality related attributes as well as highlighting the benefits and pitfalls of various types of features for particular categories of users.

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